Common core reading texts online
Common core reading texts online

common core reading texts online

Reading is an interactive and compensatory process (Stanovich, 1980 in Hudson, 2007), in which the reader approaches the text according to their learning style The theory underpinning this project is based on the interactive approach to reading (Bernhardt, 1991 Davies, 1995, Carrell et al. The approach to the text is three-levelled: semantic, morphological and syntactic. At our School, English is taught with a comprehensive approach based on humanistic theories and the aim is to make students avoid word-for-word translation of texts and overuse of the bilingual dictionary. Due to its pioneering characteristic, it has contributed to the institutionalization of this type of research in this School. Palabras clave: enfoque en tres niveles unidades lexicales complejas enseñanza explícita conocimientos previos estrategias lectoras Introduction This work reports on one of the experiences in educational research at the School of Exact, Chemical and Natural Sciences. Si bien, la enseñanza explícita del SNP no aparece linealmente relacionada con la comprensión general del texto en su conjunto, sí se refleja en una mejor calidad de la comprensión lectora.

common core reading texts online

Los resultados de este estudio confirman nuestra hipótesis de que los estudiantes expuestos a una mayor instrucción teórica del sintagma nominal complejo (SNP), son los lectores más eficientes.

common core reading texts online

La población consistió en dos grupos de 40 alumnos, un grupo experimental y uno de control, elegidos al azar. Este proyecto se enmarca en el paradigma cuali-cuantitativo.

common core reading texts online

Se ha identificado como problema la comprensión de unidades lexicales complejas. El abordaje al texto se realiza en tres-niveles: semántico, morfológico y sintáctico y el objetivo es lograr que los estudiantes eviten la traducción palabra por palabra y el uso excesivo del diccionario bilingüe. Key words: three-levelled approach complex lexical units explicit teaching reading strategies background knowledge Resumen Este trabajo es una experiencia innovadora en la investigación educativa en la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Although the explicit teaching of the CNP does not appear linearly correlated with the general comprehension of texts as a whole, it is reflected in a better quality of reading comprehension. Results of this work confirm our hypothesis that students exposed to greater theoretical instruction of the Complex Noun Phrase (CNP) are more efficient readers. The population consisted of two 40-student groups (an experimental and a control group) chosen randomly. This project is framed in the qualitative-quantitative paradigm. Problems in the comprehension of complex lexical units have been identified as a major issue in the literature and also by our research team. The approach to the text is three-levelled: semantic, morphological and syntactic and the aim is to help students avoid word-for-word translation and overuse of the bilingual dictionary. Abstract This work is a pioneering experience in educational research at the School of Exact, Chemical and Natural Sciences. Año 13 / Nº 16 / 2011 / The Impact Of The Complex Noun Phrase In Reading Comprehension Of English Scientific Texts El Impacto de la Frase Nominal Compleja en la Comprensión Lectora de Textos Científicos en Inglés Cecilia M. Benassi et al.: Impact of Complex Noun Phrases in Reading Scientific Texts 13 Rev.

Common core reading texts online